Friday, September 9, 2011

“No One Is Safe From the Government”

I generally refrain from just plagiarizing someone else’s hard work, but I confess that I’m unable to add anything to the following, so I’ll give the Taipan Group full credit and as I am just stealing their article putting truth to their headline, “No one is Safe”.
“No One Is Safe (From the Government)
by Joseph McBrennan, Editor, Taipan Publishing Group
It would be easy to site the $4 million rabbit [Blogger's note: I’ll blog this story from Taipan another day] we wrote about two weeks ago. However, we'll give the Department of Agriculture a pass and just acknowledge the remarkable job these men and women have performed by saving us from a mom-and-pop-organized rabbit-selling crime syndicate, where the ill-gotten gains exceeded nearly $4,600 in 2010.
(I wonder how much the prosecution of these two villains has cost us taxpayers?)
We'll shift our focus to Memphis, Tenn., to the scene of a more dastardly crime.
Our story begins on the morning of Aug. 24. Federal agents raided a warehouse and carried away nearly $1 million in illegal contraband.
This dreaded material was wood. It wasn't filled with cocaine, marijuana or any other illegal substance. To date, the only details the company has been given is that the wood was imported.
I would try to be more specific and say that it was an endangered species of wood, but no charges have been filed yet against the company. Their goods are still in the custody of Uncle Sam, and remember, that's at least a million dollars' worth of product.
Oh, and every piece of this imported wood has been properly accounted for, so the alleged crime that this company committed took place overseas, and outside their knowledge. They even purchased the wood from a Forest Stewardship Council certified supplier.
In other words, the company has done everything possible, except check the driving record of the wood exporter, to ensure the goods are not tainted.
And what's the name of a company so dangerous that the raiding agents of the U.S. Fish and Game Service carried automatic rifles and donned Kevlar?
It's called Gibson Guitars, and is as much a part of rock & roll history as the legends who have played these instruments.
As of yesterday, no crime has been alleged, but that hasn't prevented the government agents from seizing their raw lumber, finished guitars, computers and about anything else they could carry off.
And let's say for a second Gibson is guilty of being swindled by a broker in India that falsified papers, and the wood was actually from an endangered plant.
What would be the end result of this crime?
Likely Gibson would pay some hefty fines. Then, the company would need to import the exact same wood, but it would need to be finished and manufactured overseas. The importation of the finished goods, if labeled properly, is completely legal.
The real net result would be the 580 new jobs created over the past two years by this U.S.-based manufacturing icon would disappear and reappear where they are welcomed.
This would be, of course, outside the U.S. borders. Businesses are not fleeing the U.S. because of greed. They leave because of fear of government prosecution.
Most have heard the story of the Amish farmer being bankrupted by the FDA for selling milk labeled NOT PASTEURIZED to a consumer wanting raw milk.
I can just see the black-clad federal agents now, guns drawn and screaming, "Put the glass down; now slowly raise your hands, and walk away from the milk carton."
An alert reader wrote to highlight the plight of an Idaho man who saved the life of his family but likely will be eaten alive by our government.
The long and short of this man's problems began when he courageously defended his wife and four children against a grizzly bear, shooting and killing one of the creatures that entered his property.
The local sheriff, county officers and even state government have all exonerated him of any wrongdoing. In fact, they've recognized his courage and know all too well the possible outcome that could have resulted had he not acted properly and with a pretty large-caliber weapon.
The federal government, on the other hand, has decided to try to imprison Jeremy Hill of Bonners Ferry, Ida., for killing an endangered species.
Even the Idaho governor has been pleading for leniency to the federal official in charge.
It doesn't matter if you are a U.S. business giant, medium-size manufacturer, a tiny mom-and-pop business trying to eke out a living or even a father protecting his family. The government is built to protect only their interests, and eliminate yours.
The only way to increase jobs and turn this economy around is to get government out of our lives.”
Blogger's Note: If you do not subscribe to their free daily email letter, from which the above was lifted lock, stock, and barrel, then you should! Go to their web site and sign up.

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