OK, I confess, I’m doing it again. I’m filching a complete story from The Taipan group. But it’s not my fault. If they didn’t write stuff that just absolutely infuriates me, reference our govmint’s interference, I’d not have to resort to full scale plagiarism! So, I’m innocent. Read the below and see if you feel safe from our overreaching, no quarter given, Liberal Lead Government.
Joseph McBrennan, Editor, Taipan Publishing Group
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Dear President Obama:
The following is a 13-second solution to this nation's most festering economic issue: unemployment.
Employment will increase rapidly only when you fix the $4,000,000 RABBIT problem.
Mr. President, you're probably asking yourself what, if anything, does a $4,000,000 rabbit problem and unemployment have do with each other?
Allow me to take just a few minutes of your vacation time and tell you a story.
There's a little hamlet in southwest Missouri, just a stone's throw from the Arkansas border, called Nixa. Apart from being the birthplace of Tom Clancy's Jason Bourne, there is a couple by the name of Mr. and Mrs. John and Judy Dollarhite.
In an act of parental love, the Dollarhites bought a couple of rabbits for their son to raise and, hopefully, learn some responsibility. As any parent knows, the promises children make to acquire pets are seldom kept, as was the case in this rural community in Missouri.
Rabbits being rabbits, they quickly multiplied.
Young entrepreneurial Dollarhite began selling his extra rabbits and a new enterprise was born. After a short while, he grew bored of his venture and sold it to his parents for a few hundred bucks.
The husband-and-wife team, already running a small computer company, took the hobby and managed to eke out a profit. This, of course, excluded any payments to either for the large amount of time it took to properly care for the little critters.
In 2010, the total profit was $4,600. This is was when the trouble began.
As every young boy and girl learns in the first grade, right after the Pledge of Allegiance, the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) section 9 C.F.R. § 2.1 (a) (1) clearly says it's illegal to sell more than $500 worth of rabbits in one year.
After an unannounced visit from the government's inspector, these evildoers were sent a registered letter explaining they owed $90,643 for their violation. If they didn't send a certified check they could face additional fines up to $4,000,000. (They were offered the convenience of a website that would take their credit card to handle this as well. How thoughtful.)
The Dollarhite crime syndicate appealed for help from their senator, Roy Blunt, who appears to be in full support of the USDA's actions. Brave man,that Senator Blunt. Way to go, helping out the little guy.
The case is still pending.
The moral of the story is clear. Businesses are terrified to take a chance and make a wrong move.
You, and your crackerjack economic team, have been aware of this solution for a while. Take a look at your own White House blog where you write:
For too long the federal government allowed billions of taxpayer dollars to be wasted on things that are inefficient, unnecessary, or just plain dumb.
And from another blog post at the same site:
The Administration's commitment to hunting down and eliminating waste, fraud and abuse is clear, and with the Campaign to Cut Waste, we will continue to make improvements that protect taxpayer dollars.
And so, our sound economic advice is JUST DO IT. (My apologies to Nike for stealing their slogan.)
If you accomplish this simple step, and eliminate the "unnecessary" and "just plain dumb," businesses will begin to hire.
It really is that simple.
When the number of laws and regulations are measured by the thickness of the volumes containing them, we are all made, unknowingly, criminals. Why would anyone hire in this environment?
When a couple barely scraping by finds themselves in a legal battle against an opponent that literally has an unlimited budget, and manpower in which to harass, attack or even imprison, why would anyone take a chance on a new employee?
Mr. President, if there is any chance this finds your desk or if you're listening at all, this story falls into the category of federal government action that is "just plain dumb," "abuse" and "inefficient" that you've promised to eliminate.
Use your executive power you seem so eager to wield. Increase employment by removing the boot from the neck of U.S. businesses.
Begin by helping the Dollarhites.
This isn't an isolated case nor is it limited to the Department of Agriculture. You have the USDOJ, EPA, DNR and an alphabet soup of federal agencies that run roughshod over individuals and businesses.
Is it any wonder U.S. corporations have retreated to countries that actually welcome the productive? If you want to increase employment, Mr. President, call off the dogs of this bureaucracy war that is being waged on us all.
Joseph McBrennan
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Publisher's Note: Joseph's letter to the president highlights one of Taipan's chief tenets: government regulation is killing prosperity and is stoking great anger.
It clearly goes beyond one family's struggle to raise rabbits. The political circus in Washington affects all of us... and Americans are getting angry.
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