What Shirley? You forgot the question? In a recent “blog” I asked what President Meadors' ‘buyout figure’ might be; I was just speculating that he might get bought out. And sure enough he was. The answer is somewhere between $350,000 and $500,000 is what UCA or as they term it “private funds” will Pay Meadors to depart.
Isn’t America great? Where else do executives get great big fat ‘buyout’ deals when they are “fired” for some type of misdeed or incompetence or both?
Former President Meadors, to his credit offered to resign IF, there is always that “IF” isn’t there. Anyway he would leave IF UCA would give him some type of lucrative ‘buyout’. You know, to save UCA from all the hassle and bad publicity of dragging Meadors over the coals and through the mud.
Here’s the details of the deal per the local paper:
1. Must vacate another UCA house on Mansion's grounds where he's currently housed, (apparently they have two houses in which the pres can live), by Oct 1st.
2. His parents must vacate their university house, (apparently UCA has three ‘presidential’ houses), within 90 days, unless they need more time. But Meadors must pay their rent. UCA has been housing his parents too?
3. UCA will pay for storage of his stuff; forever apparently.
4. $1,000.00 monthly car allowance ends Oct 1st. (I recommend that he ask Governor Beebe to put him on the Game & Fish Commis where he will again receive a state owned car, or two.)
5. UCA Pays his health insurance tru 6/30/2012. Probably won't cost UCA much as he will surely follow Lou Hardin to Florida and live a healthy lifestyle.
6. UCA will use remaining annual current salary to purchase his tenure and stuff: about $187,770.83
7. He’ll be paid an additional $337,987.50 tru 12/31/2013.
Sort of strange, isn’t it. UCA loses the $700,000 offer; has to pay the culprit who messed up the deal over $500,000; and now needs to hire another new president at some annual cost of around $225,000.00; and all of this was orchestrated by the Board of Trustees. With representation like that, who needs to stay up nights and worry.
What Shirley? Do I want to bet that the $700,000 offer to fix up the mansion is later accepted? Are you kidding? With this Board of Trustees, I wouldn’t bet on anything.
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