Public Officials and Liberals never seem to tire of finding a fall guy but in Cleveland they have found a way to place the law abiding citizen into a fall guy sting operation. If it weren’t so diabolical, you would have to salute them for their cleverness and creativity.
Let me set the background for this so you can appreciate their creativity. Seems as though the city of Cleveland, as in Ohio, has a crime problem. Well as every Liberal knows, “guns cause crime”; ergo if we can get all the law-abiding citizens to turn in their guns, and only the criminals are left with guns, there will be less crime. Follow?
Well, wouldn’t you know it but the old Supreme Court has disallowed gun confiscation under some obscure, arcane legal reference called the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution. So the city of Cleveland comes up with the next best plan. Pass a law that requires all guns to be registered with the police. You know, bring ‘em all down and let the cops check them out.
The process involved:
1. Applicants will need to bring a photo identification, specifically a government issued driver's license, passport, Ohio identification card or military identification
2. All applicants should bring all handguns unloaded and securely wrapped to the police district of their choice.
3. A police officer will verify the applicant's identification, verify the make, model, caliber and serial number of the weapon and do a record check on the gun.
4. If the investigation turns up nothing, the handgun owner will make an appointment to have a photo taken and pay a fee for the registration process.
Now think about this for minute, who do you think will show up carrying a gun? A criminal? A Parolee? A Convicted Felon? Someone owning a gun known to have been involved in a crime? Who was the City after? Of course no perp with “beans for brains” is going to go to the Police District for any purpose voluntarily, much less carrying a gun, even if wrapped like a Christmas present. See, even criminals know that they ain’t supposed to carry handguns, even if wrapped; “it’s agin’ the law and they’s likely to go backs to prison ifs they do’s dat dumb stunt”.
So who’s likely to comply? Well you and me, the innocent, law-abiding citizen who believes the govmint is here to help and protect us.
Well as it would happen The Ohio Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that the City can’t enforce that law. Citizens don’t have to register their guns with the Cleveland Police. Really pissed, but unbowed, the City now asks that all citizens obey this “Voluntarily”.
Under a “Freedom of Information” request by one clever person named Larry C. Moore the city finally had to cough up the results of this “voluntary” legal registration. The timeframe is December 2010 through May 2011. There are 88 total lines of registered handguns! The list includes the make and model of the handgun and the owner's name and address. Folks that’s not 88 people, it’s 88 guns! And 22 of the guns are registered to the Cleveland Clinic Security. And as reported by Larry C. Moore, ”he wonders if they took all 22 guns to the district police offices at the same time? If so who was guarding the clinic if all the guns were gone?” I sort of wonder what’s going on in the clinic that they feel the need to have 22 handguns.
That left 66 handguns registered to 52 individuals. The highest number of handguns registered is 5 to one individual. Do you think these 52 people understand their gun specs, plus their name and address are part of public record? If you were a perp and needed a “free” handgun, you now have a shopping list, provided at no cost to you, by the City of Cleveland. The perp can even be selective and go for the gun of his choice.
But even that’s not the really clever part of the potential sting on law-abiding citizens. Here’s the really clever aspect of the plan. It is against OHIO STATE concealed carry law to enter a police station with a firearm, especially a concealed weapon! (Remember the gun had to be ‘wrapped’. Folks, that’s concealed). The City of Cleveland Attorney cannot grant immunity to a perp for breaking a STATE law, only a City law.
So now the state of Ohio has the names of 55 potential perps plus the Clinic folks who have violated Ohio State law. The only reasonable action for the State AG to take is to now confiscate the guns from all those new, formally law-abiding citizens, felons! Bingo!
City of Cleveland can now use the strong arm of the State to do what those 4 rednecks on the Ohio Supreme Court wouldn’t let them do for themselves – Confiscate the guns from law-abiding, armed citizens!
Aren’t politicians wonderful?
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