Monday, May 9, 2011

That Prison Must Have Been a Really Bad Place

            The Afghan Security Force actually defeated a Taliban attack on Mother’s Day.
The Taliban bad boys had barricaded themselves inside a hotel and after two days they were removed or killed dead. Turns out that Kandahar, where this event occurred, is the birthplace of the Taliban so this was sort of a symbolic attack, perhaps to revenge the death of Usama bin Laden?
            The hotel was next to the government buildings housing the police and the intelligence agency. Took two days to eliminate the miscreants, they fought to the death. Why? You might ask. Well, here’s the rest of the story.
            Remember last month when over 480 incarcerated insurgents escaped from Sarposa in Kandahar, the Afghan security force’s prison, through a tunnel over 300 feet long? Well they returned to fight another day and it was these very tunnel rats that attacked the two government buildings. (Talk about recidivism.) Over 24 were killed and only 4 captured. Nine of the dead blew themselves up with suicide vests rather than be captured and re-incarcerated in Sarposa.
            Sarposa must be some sort of real mean place, but then again they probably don’t allow 72 virgins there.

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