Saturday, May 21, 2011

Marriages Lasting Longer

            The U. S. Census Bureau has updated our knowledge about marriage longevity.
Per a report on May 19th, more than half of all currently married couples, 55%, have been together 15 years and 35% over 25 years. The number of couples reaching the silver and golden anniversaries have gone up 1-2% since 1996, per the Census. I know Shirley, they didn’t take a census in 1996, but the number is improving so live with it. No, I don’t know where they came up with the 1996 data.
            Interestingly of all people 15 years and older in 2009, 55% had been married just once, per the Census Bureau (CB). Yes Shirley, if they dropped the age from 15 down to 6 years old the percentage would even be higher and look better. But give ‘em a break, they have to start at some age and 15 does make more sense that 6, OK? Yes, I know that they didn't take a census in 2009 either. Jeewhiz you are a real pest on facts and details; relax this is government work.
            The CB also reported 12 % had been married twice and 3% had been married 3 or more times. That causes me some concern.
What was the person thinking who remarried the 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. time? Did they allow ‘hope’ to conquer ‘experience’? If you marry a twice or trice-plus divorced person who has already promised to two or more former spouses, to the state, and to God that it will last forever, or at least “until death do us part”, how can you believe that this third, or more time will be any different than the past 2 plus divorce fiascos?
            The CB mentioned that divorcees remarried within about 4 years. Perhaps that’s an answer to this puzzle. Man’s memory for pain lasts less than four years.
A friend once told me a sure way to avoid divorce. He was speaking from experience. He said if you were considering remarriage, just go find a woman you can’t stand to be around, buy her a house and car. That way you save all the divorce expense and headache.
Probably has to be within four years of the last divorce to work though.

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