Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Serial Shooter Loose in Little Rock?

            A second shooting of a very suspicious nature occurred Thursday night in Little Rock as reported in the December 3rd Arkansas Democrat-Gazette newspaper. What wasn’t even hinted at was the possibility that there might be a serial shooter loose in Little Rock. Neither the police spokesperson nor the newspaper mentioned this possibility.
            Of course it is possible that both the newspaper and the police lacked the perspicuity to make the connection between the two shootings. More likely is the probability that they didn’t publicly focus on this danger of a serial shooter so as to not unduly alarm the citizens. But we have all seen sufficient TV CSI type programs to know that more than six similarities between a series of different criminal acts is a pattern that is statistically unlikely to be accidental or coincidental. Therefore these two shootings’ similarities are tantamount to proving that these crimes are the actions of a serial shooter.
            Careful reading of the newspaper’s report reveals a striking similarity in the “modus operandi” of the two shootings. First they both occurred late at night; during the darkest hours. Secondly both victims were subjected to attempted, but botched, armed robbery efforts. Thirdly both victims were shot in the leg. Fourthly both shootings occurred in the same area: southwest Little Rock. Fifthly, both victims had secreted themselves in a secluded location just prior to being shot; an alley and a park.
            And the most telling and compelling similarity between the two crimes, both victims were engaged in the same act at the time of their “Victimization”. Both victims were answering a call of nature, so to speak. The newspaper’s description was more vulgar and graphic; but perhaps it is best to use its exact words so you can for yourself conclude that the shooter was indeed the one and the same person. The shooting occurred “while he was urinating” (each of the victims).
            There are many lessons than one can learn from this. One is to avoid secluded places during the darkest hours. Another is that this particular shooter aims low. There may be other lessons to learn, I’ll leave that level of detailed analysis to the reader.

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