Yep, this past Monday may well have been the best day of this year of 2011. The year started off very well when both U. S. Senator Blanche Lincoln and U. S. House Representative Vic Snyder were not sworn back into either the Senate or the House of Representatives. One had resigned rather than face the humiliation of a crushing defeat at the poles from irate citizens. The other, a long time and continuing resident in Virginia, was trounced by a more conservative Arkansan who actually lived in the state. A rather novel approach to residency based on Mrs. Lincoln’s example.
Next it was with great relief I have witnessed the House of Representatives squelch every new dumb idea from President Obama. Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they made our government have three separate branches on the non legal side. Failure to compromise to allow more spending and new taxes to support a fraction of the spending just doesn’t seem to be the brightest idea that I’ve heard, especially when the deficit is about 1.5 trillion annually and over 15 trillion total.
But I digress from my topic. The reason that this past Monday may have been the years’ Topper was that it was on this memorable day the Barney Franks announced that he too was going to resign rather than face an ignominious defeat in his newly redrawn voting district! Of course there will be fall out from this. Freddie Mac may actually have to make loans that are valid and such things as that. But what the heck, there is always a price to be paid for progress!
Good Bye Barney; say hello to Mayberry!
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