Monday, June 27, 2011

LR Holdup Rash Continues

            Seems that the first quarters’ stats for crime in LR wasn’t a fluke. (See previous posting “Law of Unintended Consequences).
            The local paper reported on June 21st per Lt. Terry Hastings “ given the rash of business robberies that have been committed in the past two months”; (May and June presumably). … In the first half of May, 28 of the 34 reported robberies were business robberies. LR detectives call the targeting of businesses ‘unusual’, because individuals are usually robbed more than businesses by a rate of 2-to-1.”
            It’s difficult to tell if this is good news or bad. It may now be less likely that an individual gets robbed, or is it more likely if the individual is at a place of business. Does the term “rash” mean more than expected?
            Does this mean that LR has a new class of robber who may think that a business has more money to be taken than from an individual? Or is it just that a business is open at a known location and the robber would have to locate an individual at random?
            In any case since ‘robbery’ means the use of force, weapon for intimidation, the increase versus business or individuals isn’t good news.
            I wonder if Governor Beebe has any concern that his new “Bring the Brigands to Arkansas” law may have some role in this?

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