Monday, April 4, 2011

If It’s in Print on April Fools Day, Can we Believe It?

Turns out that it was not Pelosi

            The Bronx zoo has been searching for a missing snake for over a week. Today, Jim Breheny, zoo director, reported, “As you can imagine, we are delighted to report that the snake has been found alive and well”. Turns out that the missing snake wasn’t Nancy Pelosi, as some had assumed since her disappearance from the daily headlines. The zoo director went on to explain that it was an Egyptian cobra; not a domestic snake at all.

It’s Open when it’s Closed and IF it’s Closed It’s Still Open
            Josh Earnest, (no I didn’t make up the name), a White House spokesman addressed criticism that President Obama accepted an open-government award at a meeting closed to the media. The explanation: “The number of pressing items on the President’s agenda.”
            Of course the greater confusion is why a group of journalists would think that this president should be praised on “his commitment to government transparency.” One example is the Obamacare bill scenario, but then again what do I know.

What Am I missing in this Picture?
            Over 6,000 N. African illegal immigrants overwhelmed an Italian island with a total population of 5,000. Seems that the small island “ran out of shelters for these ‘visitors’ forcing many of the Tunisians and others to sleep in the open air on docksides and in fields”.
            Advocacy group Amnesty International has added its voice to local concern, saying that migrants (Illegal aliens) had been left to fend for themselves in appalling conditions.”
            “There was concern about minors among migrants, (illegal aliens), which Save the Children representative on the island estimated to number about 350. Under international conventions, the minors cannot be deported and should be put into temporary foster homes while asylum paperwork is processed”.
Migrants, (illegal aliens), have protested their treatment and the conditions they’ve been forced to endure as they wait relocation. … dozens marched through the streets on Thursday demanding that they be taken of the island.”
            6,000 N. Africans invade an Italian island and are unhappy about their living conditions and demand better treatment? You can’t deport their kids? You have to give them asylum? These are they very people blowing themselves up over one thing or another that they don’t like about the West? The world has gone crazy!

Corruption is Alive and Well in Washington D.C.
            The Inspector General of the Federal Housing Finance Agency has just whined a report that points out while you and I as taxpayers were picking up $153 Billion in “losses” from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the top six executives at the two companies have received $35.4 million in compensation over the past 2 years. One can only wonder what their compensation would have been if they had been profitable.

Gamblers Not Losing Enough in Arkansas to Support Student Scholarships

            And if things weren’t bad enough, the Arkansas Lottery isn’t going to be able to fund the next round of new scholarships at the same generous amounts of $5,000 and $2,500 annually due to lack of gamblers losing sufficient monies. To help offset this lack of self-destruction by the gaming public, the Lottery commission has purchased lottery vending machines which they hope to drop around the state to make it even more convenient for the citizens to lose additional funds.
            To show appropriate concern for their patrons, the Lottery commission will set aside up to $300,000 to fund gambling-addiction prevention programs.
            Let me get this straight. We are dropping lottery vending machines around the state to help raise an additional $5 million a year while at the same time we’re funding gambling-addiction programs to help the very citizen we are hoping to entice to gamble more via vending machines, to stop gambling. It was probably one of those discussions where you had to be present to understand; and of course they were all politicians who voted for it.

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