Thursday, April 21, 2011

Do the Finns, the Greeks, or Both Deserve our Empathy

             I’m not certain which country deserves our empathy the most, Greece or Finland.

            The poor citizens of Greece are now playing out in real life what is the future for the citizens of the U.S. They were promised and bribed by several generations of politicians that the government would take care of their every need and whim; and all of this with only slightly higher taxes and fees. Seems that the Socialist Governments had discovered that they could borrow the money to bribe the voters and let some future suckers worry about paying off the debt. Unfortunately, those ‘future suckers’ are sitting in their Parliament today and having to bow and curtsey to the ‘Euro Central Bank’ and dance to the whim of the IMF.
            And the poor, suddenly poorer and more taxed citizens are taking to the streets demanding a return to yesteryear when some one else had to worry about solvency and all that kind of stuff. Doctors, lawyers, bus drivers and train engineers are all taking to the streets and destroying public and private property in a display of citizen ire at the rude awakening of the fact that there really wasn’t a ‘Golden Goose’ at all.
            Just doesn’t seem fair to expect the citizenry to have to finally ‘pay the Piper’ for all the past parties and dances.

            Then we have the Finns, who held the Russians at bay for four years during WW II to retain their independence from Communism. Apparently they have this deep-seated and well-demonstrated national ethic to remain independent and solvent. Seems that they have just elected a large minority of their own ‘TEA Partiers’ to Parliament. Not of sufficient size to be THE government, but of such a size as to be courted and listened to. They want to have Finland cease to support the bailout of those Euro zone spendthrifts, especially Portugal, since the Greek and Irish horses are already out of the barn, so to speak.
            Can you imagine that they should expect other countries to be financially prudent? Send them over here and we’ll teach them a thing or two. After all Nan Pelosi has more free time now and she could probably be enlisted to instruct others in fiscal prudentcy.
            It also seems that the Finns have been observing what happens to Italy, The Netherlands, France, and others when you just allow foreigners with no similar religion, political experience, or cultural similarities to invade your populace indiscriminately. The Finns now want to prevent wholesale immigration into their country. Where’s Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson when they are really needed? What Shirley? You think that they are off stirring the “Racist pot” to obtain further personal recognition and enrichment? Shirley, consider this a warning, but one more outburst like that and you will have to undergo “Sensitivity Training”.
            An observation or two:                                                                                                    
  1. The Greeks are where we appear to be headed on DemObama train.
  2. The Finns appear to be headed where we need to be going; but fellow citizens, it is just so painful to have to pay our own bills. Especially when we can pass them off to our Grandchildren.
Here Goosie, Here Goosie! Come on Goosie, we need some eggs!

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