Just when one thinks that one can rely on fellow terrorists and nut cases, the whole enterprise seems to break apart.
It is now reported that “Al-Qaida” is “ticked-off” at President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. Al-Qaida says enough of this conspiracy stuff that Ahmadinejad has been spouting about the 9/11 attacks on the US being a “Bush Conspiracy”. The Iranian President’s most recent tirade being delivered at last week’s U.N. General Assemblage of all the world’s less than Potentates.
Per an article in Al-Qaida’s English language magazine, Inspire, “The Iranian government has professed on the tongue of its president Ahmadinejad that it does not believe that al-Qaida was behind 9/11 but rather, the U.S. government. …So we may ask the question: Why would Iran ascribe to such a ridiculous belief that stands in the face of all logic and evidence?” (My answer to this rhetorical question is because Ahmadinejad is a nutcase and only under some Islamic form of government is a nut permitted to rule as long as he is “US-phobic”).
The article, ascribed to one Abu Suhail, goes on to demand that Ahmadinejad stop all of his efforts to discredit 9/11 with conspiracy theories. It goes on to opine that the Iranian leadership is exploiting anti-American sentiment for political gain and engaging only in “lip-service jihad”!
Well, there you have it, Al-Qaida tarring Iran for anti-American sentiment and for using it for political purposes. The very idea of them misusing anti-American sentiment for political purposes, it’s scandalous! Every nutcase Islamic radical should understand that you exploit anti-American sentiment for terrorist activities only.
I suspect that some of the extreme anti-American sentiment express by the nutcases is partial based on their names. They would love to have simple names like Bill, Bob, Jane, or Tyrone. Instead they are marred for life toting around a monicker like Ahmadinejad. What do his friends call him, “Ah”, or “Jad”? Don’t know but his enemies probably call him “Mad”; seems to fit.
And then there are the poor, under stress Al-Qaida leaders dropping like flies from airborne diseases (U.S. drones), unable to tout their one success in killing thousands of innocent people because that nut over in Iran is convincing the world that Bush did it.
Next Al-Qaida will probably whine that Michael Moore and all our homegrown nut cases should stop espousing this same conspiracy nonsense. Yea, lots of luck on that one, Abu.
Do you think that it really ‘ticks off’ Al-Qaida that they must resort to an English language magazine edition to communicate to the world rather than one that is printed in those rather attractive curly-cue figures that resemble the tracks of two inch worms engaged in some type of erotic dance?
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