That’s our choice dear Americans; more Aspirins and band-aids or some very distasteful medicine that will cure our disease. What disease you ask? The disease of overspending until we are absolutely, completely, totally, flat-broke and plunged into some type of economic morass that is beyond the comprehension and understanding of most of us.
The Lord God Almighty, in His manifest wisdom and mercy, has deemed it a merciful intervention to give a glimpse of our future, should we continue down this road into the future. That glimpse is Greece, followed by Ireland then Portugal.
Our leaders in Washington, fearful of their careers or grasping firm to their belief that the pot of OPM (other people’s money) will never run out, are toying with reducing spending over the next ten years by 1 or 2 trillion dollars. This will leave us with a debt total growing from the current 14+ trillion to over 20 Trillion Dollars by 2021. Wow! What frugality they display!
Most diseases have a “point of no return” in their pathology. A point which if the disease is detected and treated before reaching, your chances of cure and recovery are almost assured. I fear that the financial soundness of our nation is at, or past (pray God not so) that point.
The “cure” that you and I must undergo at this time is distasteful. Many will sacrifice; and yes the wealthy always have the resources to survive better than most. But that should not deter us from taking our “medicine” now to save this great and wonderful nation. That some will sacrifice less, others more, a few not at all, isn’t the point or even an issue. If this “ship of state” hits the shoals of financial bankruptcy due to our unwillingness to curtail our profligate spending, we will all sink and drown in the morass to follow.
Whether you like it or not, this is not a time for our political leaders to “just get it done” as so many of the “pundits” and “bobble-heads” espouse and shout. “Just get it done” with two more aspirin and a larger band-aid will probably ensure our financial downfall some time in the short future. Our children and grandchildren will never forgive us for what we will have done to destroy their future. Of course we will all applaud and breathe a collective sigh of relief that a “budget compromise” was reached without cutting all those needed programs.
Thomas Paine said it very well in 1775, “That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly”. Only through the pain and misery of cutting our current federal spending by close to 9 trillion dollars over ten years will we have any chance at a sound economic future for our children.
Thank God for those few members elected by the “T.E.A. Party” who have elected to “Stand”! All of the folks in Congress know what is required to really fix our economic situation. They all know what are the right, correct, needed things to do. It would seem that only those sent up there by the “T.E.A. Party” have decide it’s time to “STAND”!
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