You can find more interesting stuff on the Internet than just viruses and erotica articles for instant gratification. Actually neither of these wait for you to find them, they actually find you. They pour across the 'net' like water over a dam looking for some unsuspecting victim's computer to hijack, (think me). In any case, to get to my point, I stumbled across an internet site for gun lovers recently and found it enteretaining.
Turns out that there are two types of folks out there (per this site); lover of guns and firearms, and the others. From some of the comments I reviewed, I formed opinions about this gun-lovin' crowd.
My mental image is of a jean wearing, beer drinking, belly-scratching, no-nonsense type, maybe current or ex military or police. They scratch, spit, may utter 4 letter epithets, and think government is too large, too intrusive, too taxing, and after their right to bear arms. The kind of 'guy' you do not want your daughter to fall in love with and bring home. But he's the exact guy that you want on your side or to be nearby when some miscreant shows up to take your wallet, wife, or life. If you discover yourself in a 'foxhole with the bullets flying', this guy could be your 'knight in shinning armor'.
The others group are wine drinkers, PBS viewers, think gays should play house, know that guns are horrible and if we could only ban them then Nirvana would instantly be on earth. They can't stand to be around gun-lovers and think they are all mentally challenged 'want-to-be' cowboys. They think that the rich need to pay higher taxes and that if we can just give the 'poor' enough money, then everyone will be happy. Plus illegals should be made citizens and provided for financially. They talk with big words and tell you all the important people they know. The kind of men that have more than one suit and wear them for occasions other than weddings and funerals.
Not that these were the exact words that I read, but sort of the picture that developed in my mind. Most of the gun-lovers would end their 'chat' or opinion with some type of time honored quote, brief comment or slogan. I was quite entertained by some of them and will share a few that I admittedly stole right off their site, but to that later. One item that really intrigued me was the classification of folks into the four categories shown in the title above: Sheep, Shepherds, Wolves, and Sheepdogs.
Per the article, most of us fall into the “Sheep” category. We are relatively innocent about crime, criminals, miscreants, and hateful/hurtful people in general. We rely on hired “Shepherds” to protect us, whether military or cops. They are the ones that we expect to do the 'heavy lifting' to protect us from the miscreants – “Wolves”- that prey on us “Sheep”. Got the picture? We are very resentful when we personally run afoul of one of the “Shepherds” but endure those episodes of 'justice miscarried'; (I'm remembering my last speeding ticket, a gross miscarriage of fact and justice), for the benefit of the “Shepherds” being the ones putting their lives at risk to protect us from the prowling, ravenous “Wolves” who are convinced that whatever we hold dear- money, property, body, life, wife, daughter- belongs to them without negotiation or any honest effort on their part to acquire same. Turns out that there just isn't a sufficient number of “Shepherds” to be everywhere at once to protect all the “Sheep” wandering innocently around the place.
That's where the “Sheepdogs” come into the picture, according to my new unknown friend on the gun-lovers' site. Those gun-lovers that go to the trouble to become law-abiding citizens authorized to actually carry a concealed handgun act as the “Sheepdog” to help protect themselves, their families, and the rest of us from the “Wolves”. When there are no “Shepherds” around and a miscreant should have the misfortune to pursue his career of robbery and mayhem in the vicinity of one of these armed and ready defenders (“Sheepdogs”), the surprise will be for the miscreant (“Wolf”). The “Sheepdog” just might save your or my bacon on that fateful day.
Well, I found the above concept of society interesting. And it is a little comforting to realize that there are some unknown number of fully checked out citizens legally empowered to carry a hidden weapon just in case. My hope is that should I personally run into a ravenous “Wolf”, there will be a “Shepherd” available; but then again, there aren't that many “Shepherds” out there.
But as to some of the catchy quotes from the gun-lovin “Sheepdogs”, please read and hopefully enjoy.
"To own a gun and assume that you are armed
is like owning a piano and assuming that you are a musician.""There is no such thing as too much ammo. Unless you're swimming!"
If guns cause crime, then forks made Rosie O'Donnell fat.
I do everything the voices in my wife's head tell me to do!
Impossible is not a word. It's just a reason for someone not to try!
"He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." – Luke 22:36
"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." – Thomas Jefferson
"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." Thomas Jefferson [I really like this one].
Fortune favors the bold.
Freedom doesn't mean safe, it means free.
The thing about "defense" is that it has practically nothing to do with guns.
The difference between a Communist and a Socialist is that the Socialist doesn't have all the guns yet.
“A smart man only believes half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half.”
Freedom doesn't come free. It is bought and paid for by the lives and blood of our men and women in uniform.
Don't do things you don't want to explain to the Paramedics! [one of my favorites]
Stupidity should be painful [another one of my favorites].
Prease Press #1 for Engrish
Being ignorant may go unnoticed. till that is, you open your mouth and provide the proof. [Shirley says this one is the one I should like best. She didn't explain].
After the game, the King and the Pawn both go back in the same box.
One Nation, whose individual's rights have become invisible
Your best weapon is your brain. Don't leave home without it. [Now you've got to like this one].
Goal: Justice, not vengeance. Life, not death.
Explain: How does disarming victims reduce the number of victims?
I told my beautiful bride of some decades that I was now considering becoming a licensed “Sheepdog”. You know, to protect her and all that kind of macho stuff. She was quite understanding and agreeable, with only one caveat; she gets to hold the bullet.
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