Sunday, July 3, 2011

Senate Democrats DREAM up Idea to Attract More Illegal Aliens.

            Now before you get all ‘hot and bothered’, I’ll own up to the fact that most of us are here in the U.S. of A. because some brave ancestor took life and fortune in hand and immigrated to these fair shores. And those of us not of ‘Native American” background probably think that immigration in some form or another is a good thing. Not for ‘diversity’, whatever that means, but because someone who gets up, leaves all, and seeks a new life and possible fortune has more ‘get up and go’ than lots of us who are sitting here whining for another government handout. That said….
            My Democratic leaders in the U.S. Senate want to offer up some easy means to allow all of those “young” illegal aliens hiding in the country to become legal. The call it The DREAM Act. All that is required is a college graduation or short service in the military, plus meet other requirements, like not being the head of a gang or serving time for rape and mayhem. OK, mayhem was just something that I threw in there.
            This was tried once before. The Romans granted citizenship to ‘barbarians’ after they had served 20 years in the Roman Army. They were then settled on the Empire’s border and given some land and expected to protect it. Sort of a trade off, a ‘border civil defense force’ for citizenship and land. It worked to some extent for the Romans. Of course surviving 20 years in the Roman army was no small feat in itself. They used these ‘barbarian’ legions to do all the ‘heavy lifting’ fighting; in fact most of their soldiers were ‘barbarians’ after the 1st century A.D.
            Now just think of the consequences of this DREAM Act. Every young person south of the our border not already wealthy from dealing drugs will swim across the Rio Grande late in the evening, apply for a lottery funded scholarship, obtain food stamps and low rent housing, get Medicaid and low income tax credit, an Obama phone and after four years attending a college that doesn't teach American
History truthfully, apply for citizenship. The Democrats could have a continuing stream of folks swimming the Rio Grande to become ‘legal’. With this type of draw, we would soon have all the young folks south of our border living in the house next door to us, sixteen to a room. We wouldn’t have solved any problem, but we would have bankrupted our nation.

            So here’s my amendment to the DREAM Act. Sign up illegal aliens ‘youths’ alreadt hiding here to serve in the newly created ‘U.S. Army Border Divisions’. After 20 years of defending our borders against illegal aliens, they can apply for permanent legal status. One other stipulation along with not being a gang member, or committing rape or mayhem, the border must have been deemed secure by the State government of the state in which the illegal served for the entire 20 years of service. Like each year each state makes a declaration as to whether their border was deemed secure that year. If the border isn’t secure, then these 'border guards' don’t meet the standards and don’t get legal status until having served for 20 years of secure border. Officers that are legal citizens would command this Division and the official language would be English. Sort of a domestic “French Foreign Legion” composed of ‘criminals’, (folks, if they are here illegally, they’ve broken the law and by definition they are criminals), seeking legal resident status by defending our borders against other folks like themselves.
            Don’t blow this off; it works. No more illegals could sneak in; these 'illegals' have a job without taking it from a current legal resident, and after 20 years of speaking English under real citizens they should be ready for being Americans of the red, white, and blue variety.
           Sometimes my creativity surprises even myself!

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