Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Never Under Estimate a Bunch Of Politicians

             The State of Arkansas owes the Federal government over $330 million loaned to the State for Unemployment Benefits during this last Great Recession, which many believe was in a major part caused right there in the U. S. Congress. There has been great and thoughtful debate in the hallowed halls of our state legislature on how to handle this “load of loans”. Think new taxes as the usual remedy, but of course paid by the businesses, that will probably pass it on to their customers, who are the taxpayers. But what the heck, pass a tax through two or three sub layers and the stupid taxpayers will never see it. (Ref: page 2 of Legislative Digest Guidelines to Assure Re-election).
            Just today it was reported that the State Senate is going to ‘earmark’ $700,000 of “SURPLUS” funds for special projects in their districts, etc. This is after Governor Beebe groaned and moaned about the State not being able to afford any tax cuts not his own idea (think take credit for personally) without reducing police, teachers, Medicaid, and the usual suspects threatened to be thrown under the bus to put the taxpayer back into submission.
            Out here in Center Field, where the water is clean and the heart is pure, a question springs to mind. How can you have “Surplus” funds when you owe $330 million? And if there are “Surplus” funds, why not pass the surplus back to the folks that paid the taxes if you aren’t going to apply the “Surplus” to your debt?
            To give some credit to our elected Representatives, the HOUSE did in fact decline to use any “Surplus” funds for pet projects. Hooray for the House!!! Shame on the Senate!!! Vote the Spenders out!!!

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