Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Politically Correct Way To Gerrymander Congressional Districts

           This week the Arkansas Democrat Gazette paper reported that at least one of Arkansas’s State Congressional Representatives was promoting the idea that in the redistricting of the four Arkansas U.S. Congressional Districts, one should be so Gerrymandered to ensure that there was a Black Majority. (It might surprise you to know that the person so espousing this was himself Black. And this makes sense if you think about it. Why not have a District where a Black can win without having to worry about anything but being Black)?
          But I submit that it doesn’t go far enough!
          Arkansas should Gerrymander its four U.S. Congressional Districts to ensure equality to all. One should be for Blacks, one for Hispanics, one for Asians, and one for Whites and all others. This would be the Politically Correct solution to ensure fairness to all minorities.
          Wait, we should even go further. There should be a District for those living on Welfare. There should be a second for those working, but below the Federal Poverty Income Level. There should be a third for those who work but receive no Government assistance, and the fourth District for those folks that are retired, regardless of their income level.
          Further we should have a District for those that didn’t graduate from High School, one for High School only graduates, one for College Graduates, and the fourth District for those who received advanced degrees.
          And finally we should have a District for illegal aliens, one for legal aliens, one for aliens who are now citizens, and the fourth for folks who are here by virtue of ancestral births and all others not elsewhere classified.
          If we really put our heads to this, we can address the needs of every single possible constituency.
          What’s that Shirley? “Why not just divide up about four equally populated areas with the common goals of 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’?"
         What a novel idea.

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