Saturday, December 25, 2010

Balancing The Budget: Federal or State

If you believe, as I do, that our elected officials spend "Other People's Money" (that's yours and mine), with little regard to fiscal responsibilty or future implications, I propose a simple solution.
Take the issue of our Federal Budget's Trillion Dollar Annual Deficit and the lack of Political will to fix same on the part of our elected officials. "What's a solution?" you ask. "Simple, I respond."
1. FREEZE ALL Governmental salaries at the 2010 level until the budget in question is balanced.
2. FREEZE ALL non-military and non-public safety agency budgets at their 2010 level until the budget in question is balanced.
3. REDUCE the Salaries of ALL Elected Officials 5% per annum until the budget in question is balanced.
4. REDUCE the Total Office and Staff Dollars for all elected and appointed officials by 5% annually until the budget in question is in balance.
Do you think that all of the vested interests would act fast to fix the problem?

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